Dog Treats by GMB

Nashville, Tennessee
United States

Dog Treats by GMB is a small, licensed, homemade dog treat business in Nashville, Tennessee.  Joe Blank and Glenda McCall Blank are the proprietors and make the treats. We pride ourselves on making homemade dog treats with quality human grade ingredients that everyone can pronounce. We offer multiple flavors of treats for small, medium and large dogs.

The homemade dog treats are made in small batches and do not include any preservatives, additives or fillers.  Throughout our business development process, each recipe has been taste-tested by our dog testing group and by us. Each recipe has been analyzed by a professional laboratory for the guaranteed analysis.  Our license is through the Tennessee Department of Agriculture and our processes align to their regulations. 

 If you are a paw-rent who wants quality ingredient treats for your fur babies, this is your solution!

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