Kristin Grenier

Hi- I am born and breed in Connecticut. I have one sister and have outlived both my parents at 53 years of age. We grew up on a farm, 160 acres of tree forest preserve, I have spent almost all of my free time in the woods and with nature to one degree or another. I have always adored birds ( all animals in fact) and watched them and studied them. The colors in the feathers are something man still cannot recreate. Because of my time in the woods and the wild I also become very conscientious ( maybe savage-ly so) about recycling and reuse. SO so much gets thrown away because of a broken part or a missing piece. Some vintage jewelry pieces that have been lost, the work that those makers put into an item, breaks my heart. The climate and our planet deserve respect and to be cared for. As I shop for gifts or for myself I see the ( lack of) quality of fast fashion and read about the landfills full of "materials" .
Collectively we cannot let the man made mass produced items take over.
With these thoughts in mind, I started my journey of using salvaged vintage jewelry and combining them with ethically sourced feathers to make accessories, home décor, and jewelry. You will see some unique pieces and most will be One of Kind. It takes me some time to put colors and sizes together. All makers works are personal and I am thrilled to share mine with you. My ideas come at me spur of the moment and usually after I am outside, please scroll through my shop, enjoy and share!