Sassy Designs

Provo, Utah
United States

Hi, my name is Teresa. My creative mojo drives me to think what someone would like to have in their life to make it special. Something to make them smile, or remember, or something that they want to share with others. That is my biggest joy, to see someone smile when they hold something that I have created, that they feel they can't live without. I have a wide range of creativeness that goes on. From aprons, baby goodies, quilts, bears, purses/bags/wallets, to even crafty makes for the home.

There is two places that I find myself the happiest: Sewing, and in the garden. I have been sewing much longer than I have been gardening. Anything that activates my creative portal of my brain is where I always want to be. I get such joy out of watching something come from a "seed" stage. I'll see something and think to myself "how can I make that different, and even better". I am retired, so this happens ALL the time. I can only hope that someone can find something I have made and enjoy it with as much passion as I had while thinking, and making it. This truly is a passion, (or maybe obsession). Enjoy shopping, and looking, and I hope to chat with you about...anything. God Bless!!

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