CCE Handmade

Centerville, Minnesota
United States

Hello and welcome! I am a married mom of four grown children who have scattered around the world. As a science and art enthusiast who once loved to bake, after my husband's diabetes diagnosis, I turned to other creative outlets like sewing, quilting, crochet, and DIY projects. I stumbled upon a soap-making video quite by accident (I call it a God-wink) that sparked my curiosity. Soap making is an amazing craft which blends chemistry with artistry.

However, I really wanted to make a product that had only natural ingredients. I took a therapeutic aromatherapy certification course over 20 years ago and knew how to mix essential oils safely so that part was easy (I pay strict attention to proper usage rates). After experimenting with multiple different oils and butters to see (not just read about) what they do in the process of making soap but also in the performance after curing, I settled on a few that I dearly love. But what about lye? Lye is absolutely necessary to make soap. Soap is not a beauty bar or a body wash. It is a cleanser first and foremost. It can have different properties based on added ingredients, of course, but cannot be soap without lye. This is where the chemistry comes in. After oils and butters are mixed with hydrated lye, they go through a process called saponification. This is what makes soap and uses all the lye in the reaction. There are no dangerous, unnatural or caustic substances in my finished soaps. Of course, please purchase responsibly and read the labels to verify that you do not have an allergy or sensitivity to any of the ingredients or their relatives/cross-allergens.

After extensive research, taking a class, and testing countless batches on willing friends and family (despite having another full time career), CCE Handmade, LLC was launched in early 2024. I participate in a few local craft fairs and artisan shows and make one exclusive soap for a local hair salon. Other sales have been by word of mouth. Friends and family who live out of state, though, really wanted a way to support my company by being able to order online. After searching for what I think will prove to be a great fit for my business, loving the fact that GoImagine gives back to children's' charities, I am so excited to have an online store. And as an advocate for women's health, 10% of my profits will go to ovarian cancer research.

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