Skysetter Mobile Designs

Natchez, Mississippi
United States

Carolyn Margaret Weir

I make handcrafted kinetic mobile sculptures for a living and enjoy painting as my hobby. I spent most of my life searching for a way to make a living creatively. I wanted to be an artist as a child but couldn't sit still long enough to learn how to draw. I didn't realize, and no one told me, that most of us humans need to practice something lots to learn how to do most anything well. It’s a rare gift to have artistic abilities from go. But, don't ever stop looking for the thing that makes time fly by, the thing you do and forget about being hungry, where you don't get tired until you take a moment to stop and realize you are exhausted. And always daydream on purpose. Take a few moments a day to stare in thought without direction or purpose... this is the time you will find your most inspiring ideas!

A little about myself :-) I was born in the 60's in the San Francisco area and raised on the beaches of the South Bay of Los Angeles.... Hermosa Beach was my favorite. I was around many artists in my teens and spent as much time as I could with Bob Carannza, a silversmith. He taught me the art of drilling turquoise and string beading the old fashioned way.

From there I spent my whole life searching for a way to earn a living creatively. As a teen I made beaded jewelry that sold in local boutiques and crafted pillows to sell on the corner of the highway like a lemonade stand. As an adult I continued to hone my sewing skills and made costumes for dancers, kites I would later fly all over the world, and quilts I still sleep under every night.

I opened an ebay account in 2002 making and selling knitting needle cases and tote bags, purses, baby quilts, etc. In 2006 I returned to making jewelry while learning the art of wire working, skills I continue to use today. But it wasn't until 2009 that I found my true calling, kinetic mobile sculptures. I made a piece of wire jewelry for a friend and they mentioned that it was "kind of kinetic". Not knowing what they meant I searched online for kinetic jewelry, found Alexander Calder's work, and was completely hooked. My first thoughts were... wouldn't they look cool painted with each piece having multiple colors and I wonder what a moving painting would look like.

Today I make a living creatively. It is a full time job that starts when I wake and ends when I fall asleep the moment my head hits the pillow. I've been married to the same loving wonderful man since 1989 who puts up with the artist crazies and is always on the lookout for my next great tool that will make everything just that much easier to make the next great piece of art!

Follow your heart, if you are driven to make a living creatively then don't stop searching for a way to do it! There are no do overs in life... you only have this one shot. Do something you love and its true, you will never work a day in your life.

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