SkyDreams Laser Creations

Diana, Texas
United States

Now that I am retired, I can finally return to creating with my hands: things like toys and home decor in wood, acrylic, and epoxy. Long, long ago, I enjoyed crafting (after high school), but you know how life happens with jobs, kids, and grandkids. Now I can dive back into working with all kinds of wood species, acrylic sheeting, epoxy, and miniature lighting to create toys, wall art, tea houses, coasters, and cutting boards.

I am blessed with a wonderful wife, daughter, son-in-law, and three grandkids. We live in the rolling piney woods hills of East Texas.

I enjoy learning new techniques with my laser cutter to produce artwork and new techniques in the various art forms in which I dabble. I also love performing as a steampunk-themed balloon animal twister ("BAMM the Balloon Man") with my granddaughter ("Twister") as a sidekick. 

I am currently fulfilling a lifelong bucket list item by getting a textbook/workbook/journal published on grief support (I am a retired hospice chaplain and grief coach). It has been a joy working with my team of editor, artist, and project director. It took an entire summer to write the first draft! Hoy!

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