Sunny Garden Threads

Welcome to Sunny Garden Threads✿
Hello! My name is Christine.
At an early age I was first exposed to sewing by my Mom. She enjoyed sewing pillows & pillowcase covers and coming from a Polish background I learned early on the importance of having a fluffy and comfortable pillow paired with a cozy "pierzyna" a down comforter that made sleeping feel like you were on a bed of clouds.
When my daughter began to show interest in sewing I was overjoyed and helped her create pillows and bedding that was fluffy and comfortable for her dolls too. I love the fresh and clean look of pillowcase dresses and enjoyed sewing them for her dolls while my daughter loved having a one of a kind handmade dress that reflected her love of various hobbies, activities, animals, etc.
My Mission is to create Modern, Affordable, Quality, Handmade items that can be enjoyed for a long time.
The name Sunny Garden Threads came to be when I thought of my daughter who has a SUNNY personality and is the sunshine in my life. My other passion is GARDENing. I love digging in the dirt and creating garden containers and watching them bloom. THREADS ties it all together with my passion for sewing. With a little nudge from my daughter and loving support from my husband Sunny Garden Threads has become a reality.
Thank you for taking the time to visit! ✿