Sheila's Unique Boutique

Glendale, Arizona
United States

I am a fun, sarcastic witty mom who loves to craft. I craft with my mom and we craft together every weekend. We both sit in the same craft corner (technically my whole dining room turned craft room) and just laugh, have fun and make items that we love and share with everyone around us. I love to make everyone smile! Which is why I make and craft what I do. I started out making press on nails! I stumbled upon resin by complete accident. I ordered something online and I received a resin kit instead of a set of boxes. I swore to myself I would never do resin because it can be very sticky. So I picked up the kit very reluctantly and started making Jewelry. I made some necklaces and then before I knew it I was out of resin and made 20 pairs of earrings. Everything I am goes in to each item in my shop.
Everything comes from the heart and it always will.
I am so thankful for my family. They always encourage me, support and push me to be the best me I can possibly be. I love my life, my crafts, my kids, my husband, true crime podcasts (had to sneak that in somewhere), ghost stories (oh yes I'm a believer) and I'm always positive. I always carry a smile, contagious laugh, sarcastic humor and confidence because life is too short to be unhappy and negative.
To everyone I say, stay sparkly and be who you want to be. Life is way too short to not live your best life. Do what you love and you'll always be happy.

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