Rito Originals

Tremonton, Utah
United States

Hi! I’m Amber and I’m the metalsmith, photographer, and owner here at Rito Originals. I live in beautiful Northern Utah and do all my work here from my little studio. I have always had a love of art and a passion for creating jewelry. I love every aspect of the process; designing, fabrication, down to that last polish a piece receives before being shipped off to its new home.

I started out as a young child stealing dental floss for my creations. I have come a long way since then now working with precious metals and an assortment of gemstones. My jewelry is simple and elegant with a mix of contemporary and classic inspirations.

I started my shop shortly after becoming a stay-at-home mom to give me a creative outlet, but it has done so much more than that. It’s allowed me to have a career doing what I love best. I love my job!

Rito (Ree-toh) is a nickname I’ve had since childhood. My family would always refer to my creations as “Rito Originals” and thus my shop was born.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about my jewelry or myself.

Rito Originals

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