Two of Clubs Bindery

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
United States

Hi! My name is Laura. I'm a reader, writer, and bookbinder. Basically, I'm obsessed with books and hope that love comes through in my work.

My bookbinding journey started in 2014, when I was trying to come up with a birthday gift for my father. I was 17, and my little brother was 7. He was at an age where he was constantly cracking absurd jokes that my father thought were hilarious. So the idea hit me: let's make him a joke book filled with my little brother's jokes.

We didn't have a lot of money, and custom printed books weren't as easily then available as they are now. But my mother was a scrapbooking instructor, so the one thing I had access to was mountains and mountains of paper.

I got online, found a tutorial for casebinding, and got to work. Next thing I new, not only had I made the perfect gift for my father, but I'd found a craft that would become a lifelong passion.

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