Judy's Wire Wrapped Gems

Greetings! I am Judy, the artist behind Judy's Wire Wrapped Gems!
A little bit about me so you know who you are supporting by buying from this shop! I am a life long resident of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Not bragging, I'm just the one who was crazy enough to stay. LOL I worked for the most part in manufacturing. My proudest job was working at ITT for 24 years making the communications radios for our armed services. This was a very detail oriented job that needed to be done perfect because our soldiers depended on our radios for their safety. I would like to think that the attention to detail has carried over into my jewelry making. In 2016, because of several medical conditions, I had to retire. This was not easy going from being a very active person to being told after neck and back surgery that I needed to be very careful about everything I did. Boredom soon kicked in and I needed to find something to keep me busy.
I had done some jewelry making previously, just for myself. I love necklaces and I like something that is different and unique. I don't want what everyone else has. I have always been fascinated with wire wrapped jewelry and after a few failed attempts, I finally got the hang of it. I like to make pieces that have more detail and a lot of weaving. I find the weaving both therapeutic and meditative. But, the weaving takes a lot of time and it takes 3 to 4 hours to make each one. I am always looking out for unique and unusual stones, so you may see things here you have never seen before. While I do know a lot of the different kinds of stones, occasionally I will buy stones that I can not verify when I look them up. If I'm not quite sure what the stone is, I will disclose that in my listings.
For me the artistic process starts with picking out a stone, to deciding how it should be wrapped. I really dislike covering up too much of the stone. A lot of my wraps are decided as I go, but I do have a few personal designs that I do more often because they sell well. Because this is my art, I do not accept requests or commissions. If someone tells me what they want and how they want it done, I no longer feel it's my art and it is stressful.
I opened my first online shop towards the end of 2018 and while it is still going well, I decided to expand when I heard about goimagine. I really like their vision and I'm hoping together we can make this place successful and in the near future move all my pieces here. If you have any questions about my work, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.