Fire Fischery

Fort Wayne, Indiana
United States

Hey there! I'm Emily - lover of Jesus, chai, seasons, a good hike, growing old (but not up), and natural materials.

Heading into the first Christmas I was married, I realized we didn't have a nativity set for our home. I could care less if we had a real tree or lights on the house but I saw a nativity set as a necessity as part of our Christmas decor. I didn't want just any nativity set, though. I wanted one as beautiful as the Willow Tree Angels sets, but kid-friendly enough to be played with. One that kids could touch and handle, but pretty enough to display. 

I grew up with a ceramic one that wasn't to be touched, yet somehow always needed a part glued back on every year. I don't want my kids' view of the Gospel as something that sits on the shelf and is not to be touched. It is to be shared - especially with our children!

Armed with hours of Pin-spiration and the cheapest pyrography pen I could find on our newlywed budget, I set out to make my own. I LOVED how it turned out and so did my friends. It got a little more exposure when it was used as decoration at my organization's Christmas party.

Ten years later and several life circumstances converging at once (including a beautiful miracle babe), I was ready to see if I could sell these things. According to my friends who jumped on board even before I had things figured out, I can.

That's Fire Fischery's origin story. I'm excited to see where it may go from here.

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