Lara Howe Designs

My first sewing experience was when I was about 6 or 7. My mother gave me a little sewing kit and using the fabric from a dress I had out grown, sat beneath the apple tree in our backyard and stitched together my first purse.
Years later in my home economics class, Mrs. Kuesler introduced me to the sewing machine and a hot iron and well.... I knew in that moment I had found my "chocolate" in life. You know, the thing that really gets your creative juices flowing and just down right makes you happy.
It wasn't until our second child was born that I had the idea to sell some of my homemade creations at our local handcraft market. That was 30 years ago... I am still selling at that same market to date.
Thanks to my customers at the Eugene Oregon Saturday Market who pushed me to go on-line with my products, I now ship my bags all over the world now... It just amazes me. Every sale puts a smile on my face and inspires me to keep creating. It's a blessing, as sewing isn't something I's part of who I am. I can no more stop sewing than breathing, it would seem.
I thank you for visiting my shop and hope you enjoy what you see! If you do...please share or tell a friend. Word of mouth has kept me in business for 3 decades now and I count my blessings for y'all daily!
lara howe