Artisan Rockhound

Hello, my name is Diane and I am the owner and artist of Artisan Rockhound. I started out as a Rockhound (a person who searches for and collects rocks and minerals as a hobby) and became an Artisan (a skilled craft worker who makes or creates material objects partly or entirely by hand). I still love rockhounding and do it any chance I get plus I enjoy talking about rocks to whoever wants to listen.
Everything I sell is made in my Arizona, USA workshop with an emphasis on quality over quantity. The leather pouches I make with high quality Elk and Deer hide that I hand pick from various vendors. I use only glass beads, natural gemstones, metal, and authentic antler/bones as embellishments. All my products are proudly made in the USA. Each one is a unique one of a kind work of art. My products are already made when they enter the shop so they are ready to ship as soon as you buy them.
I hope you enjoy browsing my shop and thank you for stopping by.
I am proud to be a member of the "Caring Economy" here on goimagine.