Whiffy Bean Bags

Studio City, California
United States

In 2006, I left my corporate job to stay home with my young kids. An entrepreneur at heart, I looked for something to keep me working during nap time. A new sewing machine, 3 yards of fabric, flax seed and sprigs of dried lavender later, Whiffy Bean Bags launched.

Whiffy Bean Bags were orignally designed with kids in mind however over the years, we added larger sizes, different herbs and many new fabrics. We now have Whiffys for just about everyone! They are perfect for all aches and pains, surgery receovery, relaxation, warmth and comfort!

Our family and business has grown through the years and relocated to Los Angeles, California but all Whiffys are still handmade by me to your specifications with your comfort in mind.

-Leah Warson

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