
Trinity, North Carolina
United States

Well Hello there Wuba loves!

Let me spill the soap bubbles about yours truly! Hello, I'm Melissa. Picture this: my soap journey started with a call from my Grandmother, who wanted to pass on her sudsy legacy. Zoom to me driving three hours to unlock the mysterious world of soap crafting! The moment those oils danced together, I was smitten! I dabbled in soap-selling for ages until 2023 when I craved a splash of something grander from WubaLife. So here I am moving forward with my sudsy dream, falling and tumbling but always bouncing back for more sudsy adventures. Trust me, I'm having a blast with this soapy adventure!

Fun fact: Wuba is Swahili and means, 'I saw Beauty'. So my rough translation for WubaLife is, 'I saw a beautiful life'.

Okay, so I'm an introverted coffeeaholic. I've married my hero who is my dearest bestest friend and we have four adventurous, amazing, witty (shall I go on?) adult children. I'm dearly in love with my three cats! Two are Sebastian & Biscuit (or Thor, depends on who's talking to him), they both have Cerebellar Hypoplaysia, with Sebastian also having twisted leg syndrome (mostly corrected) and a huge heart. Everyday they makes us laugh!! We as well have our fiesty Bella who is our only 'normie', lol

I feel like I've just woken up to this amazing dream and that dream is starting new right before my eyes!

WubaLife is based on this:

The deepest level of Worship is Praising God through the pain, Thanking God through the trials, Trusting Him when we are tempted to lose hope and Loving Him even when He seems distant. At my lowest, God is my Hope. At my darkest, God is my Light. At my weakest, God is my Strength. At my saddest, God is my Comforter. Above all, He is my Joy in the midst of grief.

Hi, WubaLoves!!

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