Renee Campbell Art

Northfield, New Hampshire
United States

My name is Renee Campbell and I'm an artist. It took me a long time to say that. It was easier to use the words "crafty," "crafter," or "artistic." So I was the "artsy crafter" in the room. Being an ARTIST seemed like something unattainable or reserved for those people who formally studied art and have claimed "Artist" as their profession. That is something that I would love to as an artist. However, I have an 8-5 job to help support our family. Creating is something that I need to do, on the other hand.

I am officially self-taught. Aren't we all, really? We explore and we learn. I have not learned in isolation; I have watched videos and read tutorials. I have learned from others in a remote and distant way. The few classes in art instruction that I have taken never seemed to move at the right pace for me. I was always behind in practice, or bored with the theory.

What you see in my shop are what I love to do...explore the light, shadow, color, and form of animals and people. I enjoy multiple media from graphite to watercolor to block printing. I hope to have some of each available in my store. Commissions are limited to pencil and charcoal right now.

I live in the heart of New Hampshire. I am fortunate to see beautiful mountains in the distance on a regular basis and lakes up close, every day. I love the wildlife and beauty of the Lakes Region. #nhartist

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