Japanese Chrysanthemum Seeds: Heat, Cold, & Drought Tolerant- A Culinary Delight with a Floral Twist - Explore Asian Tradition and Flavor!


About this Product

Shungiku (Japanese chrysanthemum) seeds: A cherished gem in our collection! Shungiku, this herbaceous wonder, effortlessly combines aesthetic appeal with delectable flavors. Our journey with Shungiku began a few years back when we first cultivated it. Initially, its purpose eluded us, but we soon realized its irresistible allure to bees. As we delved deeper into its potential, we unearthed its rich culinary history, particularly in China and Japan. The emerald-hued greens of Shungiku are a revelation in tenderness and juiciness, offering a taste that defies comparison. A symphony of flavors dances on the palate, with subtle astringency harmonizing perfectly with sweet and slightly bitter undertones. Furthermore, the blossoms themselves can be transformed into a delightful, nutrient-packed tea. This floral infusion is gently sweet and pairs exquisitely with honey, making for a truly enchanting and nourishing beverage. Explore the captivating world of Shungiku, where beauty, flavor, and tradition converge in perfect harmony. In Asia, it is common the lay down a layer of this seed, and harvest only the young greens. When left to grow to maturity, beautiful blossoms will emerge. At this stage, the succulent leaves do become slightly more bitter, but still delicious and the blooms smell wonderful! These are drought-tolerant, heat-tolerant, and frost tolerant. Also known as:Shungkiku, garland chrysanthemum, crown daisy, chop suey greens, edible flower, tea flower Maturity: 35-55 days

Blue Pumpkin Seed Co.

Colorado Springs, CO

Meet the Maker

Welcome to Blue Pumpkin Seed Co.! My lifelong love of gardening, especially pumpkins, led me to create this company.

We started as a small family business on Etsy in 2020, sharing our passion for heirloom seeds. Over time, I took charge to ensure this labor of love would flourish. I'm thrilled to now offer you a carefully curated selection of seeds directly.

The wonder of watching a seed grow continues to inspire me. As a fellow gardener, I share the same excitement and joy for gardening as our customers do. 
