Jug Bottle Incense Burner with Brass, Copper, and Bronze Fittings

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About this Product

Incense burner with brass, bronze, and copper fittings.

Smoke goes up, ash goes in bottle.

Will update listing soon. Thanks for looking.


Las Cruces, NM

How it’s Made

This burner is made out of a bottle one of my kids gave me and they were like "can you make an incense burner out of this?"

-All metal parts are either copper, brass, or bronze.

-The bezel at the top of the bottle and the adapter where the clip arm mounts are securely connected with clear epoxy.

-All other connections, such as where the clip and ferrule are mounted on the end of the arm are soldered using lead free solder.

-The individual parts that make up the arm adapter are also carefully soldered together (with lead-free solder).

-The arm itself is held with a friction fit so it can be removed for cleaning.
