Law Keep Away/ Law Stay Away


About this Product

Law Keep Away is an old formula used to keep you safe from harassment from law enforcement and to keep law and informants out of your business. My candles are loaded with oils and herbs from top to bottom including Fennel and Oregano (said to keep the law away) and Eucalyptus (to protect from snitches and others calling the law on you) and other corresponding herbs.
Law Keep Away Uses:

To keep the law away from your home or business (including police and social services)

To protect you against wrongful lawsuits

Avoid being audited by the IRS

Avoid and protect against false accusations (and bring about bad luck to those who make them)

To help you gain the upper hand in situations you may already be involved in or to have charges dropped or reduced

And of course if the way you earn your living isn't exactly legal this would be a great candle to burn!

A simple way to utilize this candle is to carve your home address or name into the candle for all around protection from the law. You can also write a petition paper and place it under the candle. You may also use this candle in addition to your own spell or ritual.

Sold as curio only.

3 Pagan Ravens

Versailles, MO

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