About this Product
Patterned plywood Lazy Susan made from 7 and 5 ply plywood. 14 inch diameter. Epoxy flood coated. Food Safe
Meet the Maker
Hey thanks for taking a look at my products.
I retired in 2022 after 40+ years in IT. Realizing I had too much time on my hands, I started researching various hobbies and I landed on CNC Woodworking. Having enjoyed Wood Shop in High School, I guess it was in my DNA to start making wood items again after all these years. Learning the CNC and related software pulled in my computer skills and experience. It's still fascinating when I have a piece go from my design to a physical piece and they look the same! Some make it, some are what we will just call "learning experiences". If they are monumental learning experiences they make up on the wall behind my CNC, usually with a reminder note not to make that mistake again. My maker photo is one of the items. After a 3.5 hour carve on both sides, the CNC was nearing the end of the bottom carve when it bumped the right edge and did a walkabout across the piece. Made a nice smile in the piece but ruined the bowl. As they say a Learning Experience.
My logo comes from one of my High School wood shop projects - a Reuleaux Triangle End Table. The table was unremarkable, but I like the shape. Didn't know it's also called a Constant Width Object.
The CNC allows me to make many different pieces some simple and others with complex curves. I've learned a lot (and am still learning from making mistakes) but that's what keeps it challenging and enjoyable.
My early pieces are decorating our home or became gifts to family and friends. But after a couple of years they started looking at my work much like the slide shows we watched after our uncle's vacations... Yep I'm an old guy and remember as a kid having to sit through 200 slides of unremarkable places and things. Now I need to fund my wood purchases, so here we are. I offer these items hoping that they will bring enjoyment to a larger circle of society.
If you need any further details on any of my listed items send me an email.
Thank you for checking my items out,
Jim Butterfield
How it’s Made
Patterned Plywood Lazy Susan details
7 ply furniture grade and 5 ply plywood
14 inch diameter
Epoxy flood coating
Food safe
My Patterned Plywood Story:
I found that I had a lot of plywood pieces piling up after several projects, so I did an internet search on "what to do with plywood scrapes". Up popped webpages and YouTube videos for "Patterned Plywood". I've made about 15 of these now and only used the same layout once.
As far as woodworking goes it's a basic process: cutting plywood strips, deciding the layout order, laying them out at an angle, gluing, then cutting the glued board into diagonal strips. flipping to make the chevron pattern, gluing (again). Once all that's done, I use the CNC to surface the board level, cut the circle and round the edge. All that's left then is sanding, epoxy flood coating steps and attaching the turntable.
These are the last of the epoxy flood coated Lazy Susan I plan on making. Epoxy flood coating adds 1 week to the completion process and 3-4 weeks to cure afterwards. They look great, but it's just too much extra time and labor to make them a viable product.