Love Me Powder


About this Product

Love Me (Come To Me) is a traditional formula for drawing love to you from a specific person, or drawing love in general and it can be used in a variety of different ways. Powders are meant to be used in spell work and then to have the same powder come into contact with the target of your spell work, thereby strengthening the link between your spell work and your target, producing stronger spell results. Love Me Powder can be dusted onto a picture or name paper of your target during spell work. It can be used on love spell candles and in love sachet bags. Sprinkle some on the ground where you know the target of your love spell will walk over it. Dust love letters and greeting cards with it before giving them to your lover. You can dust the powder onto door handles, into clothing and any other way you can think of. NEVER PUT IN FOOD OR DRINK. Although Come To Me Powder is made with all natural ingredients it is never a good idea to put anything into someone's food or drink.

Sold as curio only.

3 Pagan Ravens

Versailles, MO