LOVESONG Gramophone Gothic Cross Stitch Bats Record Player PDF You can Dance to! Cross stitch Spotify for Goth Music Stitchalong & singalong


About this Product

Goth Stitch Gramophone - LoveSong Spotify Code Edition
This is a cross stitch design to stitch up a record player that actually works, haha, well, in a way, right?!

Over in the Facebook Stabby Hobby Lair, You voted “LoveSong”, so I’ve started with “LoveSong”! (Excellent choice)

This design has been in the making since 2019 and I couldn't be more thrilled that it now exists. It combines my love for collecting vinyl, appreciation of bats (especially stitched bats), and vibin' to music while I stitch my way though life.

Designed to be stabbed into 14 ct. Aida so it can be perfectly trapped in an 9x9” Standard Picture frame.

Stitched Design Area is a total of 4208 Stitches
14 Count aida = 7.5” x 6.6”
16 Count aida = 6.9” x 7.0”
18 Count aida = 6.1” x 6.2”

Pattern uses a total of 12 DMC suggested colours.


San Diego, CA
Goth Stitch Stabby Hobby Dark Arts Goth Stitch Stabby Hobby Dark Arts - Cross Stitch Kits, Patterns, and tools of the Trade for Fiber Arts Fiends…
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