About this Product
The Cedarwood is a full house kit. It is built with an MDF frame and chipboard roof material and trim. The Cedarwood is a good entry point for a modeler to begin their journey–it is still a full house, easily displayed from any angle, but it is not as complicated as some of the larger Mod Miniature kits. The back roof is removable in case you would like to make changes to the interior at a later date.
Its overall dimensions are 9" wide x 6.75" deep x 3" tall. The brickwork is cut in sheets and is easily assembled, but this isn't a cheap kit you will knock out in an afternoon. Plan to set aside some time to do this one right. This is not a difficult build, but it does require some time and patience. Included in the kit is a small collection of tools–glue bottle, tweezers, sandpaper, small paintbrush, and a glue clean-up tool.
I have spent quite a bit of time designing and refining the Cedarwood, both the kit and the accompanying printed installation manual (a digital version of the manual is available upon request). I am very pleased with the results, and I think you will be too. Stay tuned for more Mod Miniature buildings in the future.
Mod Miniatures
Meet the Maker
Mod Miniatures is a Colorado-based company that sweats the small stuff. My kits aren’t your typical Victorian-Era buildings, or cookie cutter designs. In my shop I create things that are a bit more modern, or maybe Mod is a better word. Cars with fins a mile long, hip mid-century furniture, shag so deep you have to rake it. That’s more my style.
How it’s Made
I design all of my laser-cut kits from scratch. I often wander through my mid-century neighborhood to draw inspiration for my next project. I also have a large library of books from the era, and I draw inspiration from these photos and drawings as weIl. I create kits in multiple scales from 1:144 to 1:12. All of them include comprehensive instructions. Any additional help or questions are just an e-mail away.