My Own Worst Enemy Book of Poetry

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Illustrated poetry book about life, love, loss and faith. This collection of poems was written between 1994−2011 by published freelance writer and Fortune 500 content, communications and training consultant, Barbara Roy. Some were inspired by experience, some by life (real or perceived), some by observation of other peoples’ lives, and some by hopes and wishes. The hope now is that they will, in some way, be inspirational to you, the reader.


"I love this book! If you are new to poetry and always thought you might want to give it a try, then this is the collection for you...I give it five stars only because Amazon does not allow six or seven."


"Barbara’s writing is real and emotional and a wonderful read, particularly for people of faith. I found myself reading through this very quickly because I couldn’t get enough, and then going back and reading each poem more slowly, taking in the full meaning and lyrical beauty of each one...her poems are challenging, uplifting, relatable, and moving."


"Barbara Roy’s collection of poems in “My Own Worst Enemy” are beautifully and poetically captivating...Roy has created steady and powerful rhythm in just three words, like when she writes “Crafty, raging, agitated/He concocts a smoke-filled plan”...If you’re looking to feel inspired, these poems are worth reading." 


"I felt so creatively inspired while reading these poems. It made me want to start writing my own...You can kind of guess at her experiences by reading, and it feels personal. It is personal, but it’s also a bit mysterious. It makes you reflect on your own experiences, and it's nice to have someone else's point of view kind of in your mind as you think about how your own experiences could have been thought of in a new way."

Barbie's Creative Studio

Newburgh, IN
I am excited to announce the launch of my first group of products--the North of Happy Collection! This grouping includes sunny, happy gifts like puffy flower pillows, bright, colorful coasters, animal plushies, mini amigurumi keychains, fruity bag charms, floral appliques, and two customizable book covers; all just in time for summer. Barbie's Creative Studio and Gifting Solutions creates meaningful art, collectibles, décor, and personal gifts guided by positive, wholesome ideals to provoke thought, inspire imagination, and delight both gift giver and recipient alike.
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Meet the Maker

I have always been a creator. Beginning my journey as a songwriter, poet, and creative writer led into more formal, user experience design, corporate content development, and technical writing. A stroke in 2023 stripped away much of my technical capabilities, but left the creativity intact. As I work my way through post-stroke, I experience a heightened sensibility for designing and, though it’s challenging, am able to enjoy this stage of life despite its limitations. I am still discovering my new normal and find some aspects of process and production to be more taxing than others. There are also many items available that still need to be published to the website in due time. But I am very excited about ideas for exclusive products and future collections for Barbie's Creative Studio that are in various stages of development. Mostly, I am pleased you are visiting and invite you to return often.
