Needle Felted Ornaments 2", Christmas tree ornaments

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About this Product

Needle felted ornaments for your Christmas tree. Evoking a soft warm feeling. A little old world charm to add to you holiday decor.

Please note that due to this being sheep wool some pets may be attracted to it. Storage of these ornaments should be in a sealed plastic bag ( Zip loc) to keep any moths out.

These ornaments are about 2".

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Fiber and Flora

Mechanicsburg, PA
Welcome to my shop. I love to create useful things for your daily life. I am happy to work with you to create your special something.
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Meet the Maker

Please, call me Deb. I am retired but prefer to keep busy. I have been creating a variety of craft products most of my adult life and love the work and challenge. My preference is to create items that can be used in your daily life. I enjoy crafting with artificial flowers, knitting and sewing.  I often take courses to add to my skills so I may enhance my offerings to you.

If you would like more information about an item in my shop please message me.

Thank you for your time and interest.


How it’s Made

I have felted over a polystyrene foam ball with dyed wool roving (wool before it is spun into yarn). The action of 'stabbing' the wool repeatedly with special needles causes the fibers to stick together creating the felt surface.

Shop Policies

The majority of my products are ready to ship and will be shipped within 2 days.

Special orders or made to order will have processing times listed. Usually 2 - 3 days before shipping.

Special orders are never completed without your approval.

My bath items are all washable. Some are best when hung to dry. Care instructions are included with those that require special handling.

I do not generally take returns, but there are always special circumstances.  Please contact me within 2 weeks.

Shipping is included with all pricing. If shipping costs to your address are less than my calculated costs I will reimburse you the difference.

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