Personalized Cat Hand Painted Ornament (Made to Order)

Custom painted ornaments are an amazing personal gift and keepsake. 

About this Product

Painted with a unique abstract style and each ornament and painting is unique! Every detail included makes your ornament personal and a meaningful keepsake. Order for yourself, friends, family and coworkers!


How this works:

Upon placing the personalized order, I will request photos of the animal/s you want included on your ornament. They can be candid photos, nothing fancy. I will use these to paint the fur color and style (long/short hair/spots, etc). Your ornament will be unique to your pet/s.

You can customize with a name, date, etc - but only upon request.

Check out my other listings for other options: Other Ornaments can include entire family, kids, date night, bridal, pets, graduation, engagement, Wings of Love (add wings to remember those we've loved and lost), sport jerseys, and more. Get creative! Photos shown on this listing, however, are cat ornaments that I have completed in the past so you can see my work. 

Animal painting is back facing only at this time.

If you are local, please contact me and I will adjust the shipping to reflect local pickup.

I look forward to working with you!

Ornament Size: 3.8" x 4.3"; I will include a jute hanger with wooden bead and a tied ribbon to finish.

Painting By Kristi Simpson


Meet the Maker

Driven by her love of paint, yarn & crafts, Kristi's mission is to: Create Design & Inspire with a fresh and modern touch.  Kristi is a best-selling Author/Designer and her work is published in: Magazines (including several covers), 60+ Books, Kits, DVD's, Catalogs, Online Classes/Tutorials/Venues, and with many companies. Kristi hand paints abstract family portraits, Wings of Love (to remember those who we've loved and lost), graduation, engagement, bridal, flowers, landscapes and more. Custom orders welcome.

Kristi is married and has 5 kids with her amazing husband. They enjoy bowling and playing light sabers as a family! 
