Quadrivium Aquae Elemental Waters - Ritual / Altar / Home / Room Cleansing Spray - 4 oz spray bottle

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Quantity 4+
Price $44.00

About this Product

A unique product of the Pacific Northwest, Quadrivium Aquae ("water of the four ways") was created for my own ritual use as a local and deeply personal alternative to spiritual waters from other regions. It is useful for protection, purification, consecration, and ritual work requiring a strong elemental water. The waters are collected, filtered, and distilled by me, and plant ingredients are personally wildcrafted or obtained fresh from carefully chosen sustainable sources. You will receive a 4 oz amber glass bottle with a spray top.

Quadrivium Aquae is made in small batches by hand, with auspiciously timed ritual intent and execution. It takes several months per batch to gather all of the waters necessary, to distill and tincture Pacific Northwest native plants growing in its desert, mountains, forest, and sea. These waters were crafted using traditional herbal preparation methods and spagyric techniques. They are an expression of love for the region and a way for me to share its deep and potent magic.


  • Water of Air (rainwater)

  • Water of Water (seawater from the Salish Sea)

  • Water of Earth (3000 year old groundwater drawn from the ancient Tumwater Sand aquifer)

  • Water of Fire (handmade hydrosols and tinctures of Blackberry, Big Sagebrush, Dulse, and Western Redcedar)

Suggested uses: 

  • cleansing

  • purification

  • blessing

  • renewal

  • protection

  • dreamwork

  • communication

  • growth

  • expansion

  • stability

  • manifestation

  • divination

  • magical operations

  • centering

  • alignment

  • spirit offerings

Spray on your altar, tools, linens, hands, runes, bones, and other ritual items before use to cleanse and consecrate. Spray in the corners of each room of your house, windowsills, door frames, and other liminal spaces. May be added to floor washes. 

Particularly potent when combined with the number four, cubes, or in liminal settings. Aligned with Mercury, Venus, the Moon, and Jupiter. May be used effectively in conjunction with any of the classical four elements.


This product was NOT created as a fragrance, but for its esoteric properties. Its scent contains distinct ocean notes from the seawater and Dulse (rhodymenia palmata), as well as the camphorous qualities of Big Sagebrush (artemisia tridentata) and Western Redcedar (thuja plicata). It smells like the wild Pacific Northwest, not a cologne or fragrance product.


Store in a cool, dark place or refrigerate for longest life. Shake before using to integrate the trace essential oils into the waters.


  • Not for human consumption -- do not drink or add to food.

  • Exercise caution when using near open flame, as tinctures may be flammable in some conditions.

  • Test on a small area of skin before using on your body, to ensure you aren't allergic to any of the ingredients.

  • I cannot guarantee your results when using this product; purchase and use at your own risk.

Egg & Thorn

University Place, WA

Meet the Maker

Welcome to my shop! I'm a 30 year magical practitioner, new to selling but eager to share the products of my craft with others. My items are all created following a combination of traditional methods and my own techniques, and prepared ritually during auspicious timing. I'm passionate about creating ritual products from my local region in the Pacific Northwest, and sharing the magic and mystery that this area has to offer.

How it’s Made

Over the course of three months I gather seawater, rainwater, and groundwater from a local artesian well. I process the plants by hand during their planetary days and hours in two ways: half are distilled to produce hydrosols, which I do not separate from their essential oils, and half are tinctured. The tinctures are kept in my altar for a full lunar cycle, stirred and spoken over daily. In the fourth month all ingredients are combined in the correct proportions into batches that are ritually consecrated and then bottled.

The current batch was begun on the full moon on February 24, 2024 and completed on the Summer Solstice on June 20, 2024.
