Red Carnelian & Pyrite Gemstone Beaded Bracelet

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About this Product

Red Carnelian focuses the mind and enhances concentration. It also increases self-esteem by allowing the wearer to recognize their true potential. Additionally, it brings good luck to the wearer and helps them to succeed in their endeavors.

Pyrite is said to promote physical strength and vitality, boost confidence and self-worth, and increase mental clarity and focus. Wearing this bracelet can help you tap into these properties and feel more centered and balanced in your daily life. It is used to manifest luck and abundance and can also be used to attract money.

Each pyrite crystal bead bracelet is handmade with stunning 8mm genuine red carnelian beads and 4mm hexagonal titanium coated pyrite gemstone. The pyrite bracelet is made with 100% polyester elastic to ensure a comfortable fit and durability. It arrives in a jewelry gift box sprinkled with lavender and sage. The box is tied with a jute bow and accented with a handmade charm. The bracelet is accompanied by a gemstone guide.

Due to variations in gemstones, each bracelet is one-of-a-kind and the bracelet you order may not look exactly like the image.

As the owner of Blue Dasher Crafts, I focus on hand making one-of-a kind gifts for you or someone you love. Our handmade gifts have real meaning because each piece is created with a specific intention in mind. I hand pick each stone and bead when creating our jewelry for its specific meaning and healing energies, so you know you’re purchasing the right gift (even if it’s for yourself!).

We have a variety of beads and stones available, so if you see something you like, but want something a little different, please message me to create a custom design. Thank you so much for visiting our little shop!

Brightest blessings!


Blue Dasher Crafts

Paisley, FL
Welcome to Blue Dasher Crafts! If you don't see what you're looking for, contact me! We can create a beautiful piece of jewelry just for you!
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Meet the Maker

Hi! I'm Mel, the owner and founder of Blue Dasher Crafts!

The idea for this company came from a place of pure desperation. I was burned out after 27 years at a 9-5 job that had become consumed by greed. I wanted something more. I knew there had to be something more to this life than a daily grind. I desperately wanted change and knew there had to be a better way. My spirituality has become a guiding force in my life and helped me find my life path, helped me find a better way that allows me to put my family first.

I created Blue Dasher Crafts to help people in the same situation, people on their path to a happier, more meaningful life. I make gemstone jewelry with intention. Each piece of jewelry has a specific purpose to help you wherever you are on your life path.

Can’t find what you need? We’re happy to work with you to create the right piece of jewelry to help you create the changes you want. 

Thanks for choosing Blue Dasher Crafts! We look forward to helping you live your best life!

Brightest Blessings,

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