Ruby chard (Swiss chard/heirloom) seeds: Swiss chard, stem chard, spinach beet, leaf beet, white beet, seakale beet, chard seeds


About this Product

Ruby chard seeds : Swiss chard is an old heirloom that is popular in Mediterranean cuisine. In more recent years, it has increased in popularity due to its versatility, and high nutritional content. Swiss chard is related to rhubarb, and beets. The flavor has been described as a softer beet flavor while boasting earthy notes. It is slightly less bitter than spinach. Swiss chard grows in an array of colors. The stems are succulent and have a stunning ruby red color while the leaves sport an intense darker green color. Swiss chard can grow between 18 to 24 inches tall. It can tolerate light frosts, so this will be an early spring/fall crop. Swiss chard is highly nutritious and rich in several nutrients. We grew these in little 1 gallon containers. They don't need much room to grow so you can use any use smaller containers you may have to grow these to save room in your garden. Make sure the container you choose is made of food-grade plastic. Things like milk containers, butter containers, etc. are all safe since they contained a food product. Use mature leaves for sautéing since they become more sturdy when they are larger. Use younger leaves for salads, smoothies, etc as the flavor is milder and the leaves are tender. Days to maturity (baby leaves): 30 Days to maturity (large leaves) 55-60

Blue Pumpkin Seed Co.

Colorado Springs, CO

Meet the Maker

Welcome to Blue Pumpkin Seed Co.! My lifelong love of gardening, especially pumpkins, led me to create this company.

We started as a small family business on Etsy in 2020, sharing our passion for heirloom seeds. Over time, I took charge to ensure this labor of love would flourish. I'm thrilled to now offer you a carefully curated selection of seeds directly.

The wonder of watching a seed grow continues to inspire me. As a fellow gardener, I share the same excitement and joy for gardening as our customers do. 
