Sibley Squash (heirloom/c.maxima) seeds: Pike's Peak squash, blue banana squash, winter squash seeds


About this Product

Sibley squash seeds: Sibley squash is a banana-type Hubbard squash that excels in flavor on account of its sweet flesh. Sibley squash was first grown by the Winnebago Indians and later discovered and introduced in 1888 by Hiram and Sibley Co., Sibley squash has won awards in several taste tests. These look like a cross between a Guatemalan blue and a Hubbard. Their unique pear shape sets them apart from other winter squash. The rind is thick and firm which gives the Sibley squash an impressive shelf life. The flesh inside is a yellow-orange color, fine-grained, and rich in natural sugars. Each squash will average about 1 foot long with vines reaching between 12-15 feet. Each squash will weigh close to 15 lbs. and last throughout the wintertime. Sibley squash makes an excellent pie squash. Little to no sugar needs to be added when using these to make any baked goods. Maturity days: 100-110 days

Blue Pumpkin Seed Co.

Colorado Springs, CO

Meet the Maker

Welcome to Blue Pumpkin Seed Co.! My lifelong love of gardening, especially pumpkins, led me to create this company.

We started as a small family business on Etsy in 2020, sharing our passion for heirloom seeds. Over time, I took charge to ensure this labor of love would flourish. I'm thrilled to now offer you a carefully curated selection of seeds directly.

The wonder of watching a seed grow continues to inspire me. As a fellow gardener, I share the same excitement and joy for gardening as our customers do. 
