About this Product
Custom designed (by me) and made (by me). Stained glass with natural geodes window hangings/sun-catchers. "Lakeside" - approx. 7.25" x 8" - Clear, light blue, bright blue, and light brown glass with natural geodes. Others in this series, different designs/different colors, see https://goimagine.com/luluarta...https://goimagine.com/luluarta...
LuLu Art and Craft
Meet the Maker
Greetings to all! Architect by day, by nights and weekends I create art and craft in various media, including stained glass, paper collage, multi-media assemblages, and hand-made paper. Proceeds from the sale of my art and craft go to a Trust for post-secondary education of my great nieces and nephews.

How it’s Made
hand cut stained glass, natural geode, copper foil tape, solder, copper hanging loops (on back), monofilament hanger cord