About this Product
I've hand enhanced this print on streched canvas of my original oil painting Sunset.
The enhancing gives texture and makes it on-of-a-kind
The sides are a continuation of the painting so no frame is needed, ready to hang
size is 12x16 inches
Freds Mini Paintings
Meet the Maker
The beauty of many worlds, in miniature. Prescott artist Fred Wilson paints compelling and complex micro-scaled works that often measure just a few inches. Using brush and palette knife, he paints some of the most beautiful landscapes on earth — and beyond
Fred paints in miniature and ACEO because he loves the challenge of seeing how much depth and detail he can achieve on a tiny canvas. His subjects are the opposite of small: the Rim Country of Northern Arizona, the rugged West Coast, the islands of Hawaii and European landscapes. He has even added reached beyond the limits of earth to outer space, painting scenes planets and stars and mythic impressions inspired by films such as “Star Wars.”
His more recent work reflects changes to his thinking about his subjects. He has wanted to break out of his safe mode and express the impressions of the color, movement and simplicity that make up the beauty of the land and seascapes that bring us pleasure. In his later years, he feels an urge to push himself, to throw the box away and live outside of it.
How it’s Made
Printed on streached canvas this print of my original oil painting. Ai have hand enhanced with oil paint to add texture.