Super cute old fashioned Christmas ornaments featuring children on multi-colored backgrounds, plush white ribbon and crystal angel "tassels"

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About this Product

Adorable Christmas scenes featuring children make these smaller ornaments stand out from all the rest. A look into a simpler time, with children at Christmas gathering holly, opening presents, holding babies and more. The billowy white ribbon and the white molded framework for these scenes accents the innocence of the times. Perfectly terminating in crystal angel "tassels" these make a truly charming addition to any Christmas tree, especially in a child's room. Great gift too.

Northwest Savannah

Roseburg, OR

Meet the Maker

I've been a part of the craft culture for decades and my love for creating has never waned. I live in Oregon where I live with my awesome hubby and darling Down Syndrome daughter and I have 3 grown sons as well. I am a born-again Christian, a Berean,ie., if it matches the Bible, then I'm for it.

A lot of my work has a fantasy theme I guess because life is hard, news is sad, and we all need a little break from reality, even for just the moment it takes to enjoy the beauty of another fellow traveler's handiwork.

Shop Policies

Items purchased here at Northwest Savannah are created and stored in a non-smoking home and will be shipped the next day (excluding Sundays). Should you decide to return an item, I will accept a return.  However, buyer is responsible for return shipping costs and any loss in value if an item isn't returned in original condition.
