About this Product
An original design by Artist Wendy Wilson of Magic in Your Living Room
Mystical Rose Tarot is a design for tarot readings and divination. The names of the Tarot Trumps circle the ring of roses. In the center is a spinning design, symbolic of the changes in fortune time brings.
This is a beautiful tarot cloth, about 18 x18, professionally printed from my design, available in either all natural cotton or shiny polyester satin. All my cotton tarot cloths are 2-ply, high quality printed cotton backed by cotton. The satin cloths are single ply with a narrow hem.
Only the tarot cloth is for sale. The tarot cards are not for sale.
Magic in Your Living Room

Meet the Maker
We are Wendy and Aaron. After Wendy retired from the IT world, she started Magic in Your Living Room as a platform for her spiritually based art. It took time but sales began to increase, so Aaron joines Magic in Your Living Room with a lifetime of working in wood, metal and now fabric to manage the production end of the business.