About this Product
Beyond the cities most men know as reality lies a vast hinterland, so far from the "present", not just in distance, but time as well- I'd say at least seventy-five or so years behind the rest of the world.Here, dotted throughout the magnificent landscape lies small villages- where running water is a thing of the future, lantern lights still light the paths from one village to another and everything is made by hand.
One such village, perhaps my favorite one to journey to is called "Antler Hill Village".
Some of the townsfolk happen to be distant kin to me, not sure if by blood or marriage, but I'm always in the most welcoming of company upon my arrival. I feel right at home.
And though I come from one of the cities, it is here that I find refuge from the doldrums of city life.
Here, a reckoning and rekindling comes to life inside one's self that evokes some old world, simplistic liveliness.
Apart from the panache and verve attained within this wild-wood, I also come for the handmade goods. And I am talking well-made handmade.
The shops in Antler Hill Village offer the most distinguished and admirable things albeit coming from unrefined tools of trade and primitive style workmanship.
That homespun, honest, idyllic essence can be found here in any of the specialty shops.
Each year, all the villages come together and have an Easter egg hunt for the children & grown folk alike. This hunt could take all day, you see, every shop gets involved and they hide easter eggs near and far throughout the land.
Whomsoever gets the most eggs, gets a huge prize, usually consisting of store credits in each of the shops involved. Trust me when I say this is a big event. Many people trample each other to find the eggs. They know what is at stake.. you could almost get a years worth of supplies, food, sundries, elixirs, and so on from all the shops who donate to the large prize. . And for a large family you see, that helps out a lot. Though little old Ms. Davenport usually wins by collecting the most eggs. She is slow, but she is clever and knows just where to look. But then she usually donates her prize to several families in need. So, it's a win win.
Here are some Easter Egg earrings, of sorts, that started out with genuine slices of deer antler. I drilled holes so they could cradle genuine pink Tourmaline & yellow calcite. They are topped with spring green Aventurine.. I am loving all the whimsical spring & Easter colorings of the stones.
Brass kidney ear wires bring these to 3.5" in length.
These are one of a kind.

Meet the Maker
She's mad, but she's magic. There's no lie in her fire...
I have always had an interest in dark , Gothic, Victorian eras which you will see in many of my creations. I love to bring antiques, relics & primitives back to life by incorporating them into new pieces.
I am ONE person. I don't work in a factory. My items are NOT mass produced. Everything in my shop under 'handmade' is handmade by my own two hands- With some help from my children, finding bones, stones and other treasures.
What you will find in my shoppe are one of a kind or few of a kind items. All my gold, silver & palladium jewelry is cast by me with my big bad torch.
There is literally nothing I cannot make in terms of jewelry. I have the equipment plus over 32 years of skill to make fine gold , silver and gemstone jewelry & the imagination and moxie to make over the top costume & statement jewelry. And then at times, I decide to have the two collide. So if there is something your little heart desires, drop me a line and chances are I can make it! I'm a visionary, I already see your custom piece finished.
At any given moment, you may find me wielding a torch, a hammer, a saw, a rod of metal to melt, a paint brush, a crochet hook, or other device that I used in the process of creating.
All of the jewelry, accessories, adornments, photography & curiosities you see in my shop is handmade by me with my own 2 hands . I have been a dental technician for over 36 years and have owned a dental laboratory for 27 of those years. The processes I use to cast gold crowns is the same process I use to make sterling , gold and palladium jewelry. It is called the 'lost wax' technique. I have been dabbling in jewelry making for about 23 years for family & friends, but decided to open to the public in 2009. I also make a lot of really cooky & weird costume jewelry and love to incorporate vintage pieces into new pieces. I love also utilizing bones, feathers, teeth, and other animal parts. Please know that we obtain our animal parts from either a licensed taxidermist or by our own excursions into the nearby forest. I also delve into my own Native American heritage and make one of a kind medicine bags & other leather and antler jewelry you see here & there in the shop. If you have any questions at all regarding any of my hand made processes, please feel free to ask! My shoppe is REAL Handmade and I support REAL Handmade!
"When You buy from a small mom business, you are not helping a CEO buy a third vacation home. You are helping a little girl get dance lessons, a little boy get his team jersey, a mom put food on the table, a dad pay a mortgage, or a student pay for college. Our customers are our shareholders- and they are the ones we strive to make happy. Thank you for supporting small businesses!" - unknown