Time Flies working clock with gears wings and birds steampunk industrialist

List price: $120.00
- 18%
Ships in 5 days priority USPS. I also have insurance included in the shipping.

About this Product


This is a real working clock.  The clock has several moving parts and can be mounted on the wall as well as desktop.

The majority of the images are gears, cogs, and the internal workings from a vintage travel clock.  After I have disassembled the vintage clock almost every part is used.  Then the real fun begins as I add charms and ephemeral images. I have a huge collection of parts to use, like printed metal tags, and just weird eccentric stuff.

These clocks are designed with plenty of nooks and crannies for you to add your own items and make it totally yours…unique.

The time it takes to make can be from just one day, but most get things added as I hang it on the wall so it can take 3-4 days.

The clock is powered by a small size A battery, which is included with the purchase.

Measures 12”high, 8” wide, 3”deep

Original Creator is Erin Keck see Erin Keck creations.

South Sister Revival

Bartow, FL

Meet the Maker

How it’s Made

First I disassemble a vintage travel clock, then I mount on wooden box add the gears and clockworks.  I have a theme in mind and I add charms, findings, tags, and hints of tinting.

The process can take anywhere from several hours to several days
