Tinted Tallow Sunscreen Non Toxic Grass Fed Beef Tallow Face & Body Lotion / Eye Cream! Skin care gift for Mom gifts Non-Nano Zinc Oxide


About this Product

Use code THANKYOU20 to get 20% off all of my products on GracefulTallow.com

20SPF All Natural and non toxic sunscreen that won't break you out! It's very hydrating and Non-comedogenic!

PLEASE STORE PRODUCT IN A CLEAN DRY PLACE TO KEEP MOISTURE OUT! The shelf life is 6-12 months or more. I keep mine on my night stand.

All natural and non toxic animal based lotion in non toxic glass jars! No toxic plastics!

ingredients: grass fed tallow, non-nano zinc oxide, and essential oils.

FIR TREE essential oil blend is cedar wood, pine needle, and spearmint.

Graceful Tallow

Meet the Maker

How it’s Made

Grass Fed Tallow, and non nano zinc oxide, organic coca powder, and essential oils.
