About this Product
A Triquetra is composed of three interlocking circles, and it is also known as the Trinity Knot. In the Wiccan tradition it represents the aspects of the Triple Goddess and the three stages of a woman’s life: maiden, mother, and crone.
Lasered Wood and Glass Night Lights. Hexagon shaped wood with opaque colored glass insert and night light base. Handmade in the USA.
Materials: wood, Baltic birch, water-based sealer, glass, glue, nightlight base with brass clip, and light bulb.
Dimensions: 4¾” high x 4” wide x 1½” from wall. Wood design is ¼” thick at the edge.
Night light base comes in white or almond with toggle switch on/off; includes a 4-watt bulb; 125-volt base 2” x 1” wide with a 0.68” neck diameter; UL approved USA & CSA; left leg polarized; maximum 4-watt bulb.
Opaque glass, with white highlights, diffuses the light and is available in a variety of colors: red, pink, yellow, green, turquoise, blue, and purple. Other colors are available upon request. Each glass piece is hand cut and the edges are ground smooth.
Empower Artworks
Meet the Maker
Empower Artworks is a husband-and-wife collaborative effort. We have lived close to the earth in Southern Oregon for over 35 years. We are blessed to steward a mixture of farm and forest land, and we cultivate a large garden and orchard. We raise pasture pigs for meat and lard, and we routinely make the two-and-a-half-hour trek to the ocean to harvest scallops, crab, fish and to enjoy the salt, sand, and crashing waves. Every home we have lived in we built with our own two hands, and our sole heat source is wood, which we gather from our property. We raised our sweet children, that now have children of their own, with a deep love for themselves, others, and the earth.

How it’s Made
All designs are created using Corel Draw. All wooden pieces are cut or engraved with an 80W, CO2, Trotec laser. Glass is hand cut and sanded. All products are designed and assembled with love at our home studio in Williams, OR.