Uncrossing Spell Candle


About this Product

To be "Crossed" means to be under crossed conditions, in other words to undergo a long period of time during which almost everything seems to go wrong for the crossed individual. We sometimes call this "bad luck". A person may become crossed by an enemy who is doing work against them as an act of revenge. Often people can become crossed by themselves as a result of holding onto anger, fear, trauma, stress,regret and guilt. This negative energy clings to the individual and acts as a magnet for more negative energy to be drawn to the person. When our bodies become filthy, we cleanse them. Uncrossing Candles are a cleansing for the soul, removing all of the built up negative energy to make room for the positive energy we wish to attract.
This Uncrossing Spell Candle is fixed (made with intent) and loaded (filled with corresponding herbs and oils) and ready for use. It comes with complete instructions on how to be used to rid yourself of built up negativity and crossed conditions.

Sold as curio only.

3 Pagan Ravens

Versailles, MO

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