Waxed Leather Notepad Holder


About this Product

Rugged leather will last a lifetime. Waxed to protect against the elements. The strap closure can be rotated and is functional in both the horizontal and vertical orientations. Space for pens and pencils in the lid, and a notepad in the bottom. The notepad area can accommodate 3x5 or 4x6 notepads, pictures show 3x5. Pen holders fit snugly to keep everything secure and where you expect to find it!

Available options:

Monogrammed: tooled, stamped, or pyrography

Gift set: notepad and pen (fountain or roller ball) included

Wred & Blue Fiber & Hide

Johnson, VT

How it’s Made

Wred selects a section of leather, carefully lays out the template pieces to minimize waste, cuts the leather to shape, and punches holes for stitching. He then dips the leather pieces in melted beeswax, allowing the wax to fully saturate the leather for maximum weather-proofing. After cooling, excess wax is scraped off to be re-melted and used for future projects. He then hand stitches the notepad holder and places the snaps to secure the strap.
