Wood Potpourri Bowl Handmade "Spalted Maple with hummingbird pewter Lid"

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About this Product

Gorgeous handmade wood turned potpourri bowl was turned from a piece of Spalted Maple. The intricate lines, colors and patterns in this wood are caused by different fungi working to slowly break down the wood as it decays in nature (spalting). Once dry, this process is halted leaving a very beautiful, distinctive and highly sought-after piece of wood. This beautiful cut of wood will make a striking piece that is perfect to display in your home or office. This piece shows off the beautiful markings of this type of wood. Measures 3 1/2 inches wide x 2.75 inches tall. This bowl is finished using a hand-rubbed Danish Oil and then polished with a Carnuba Wax, food safe finish. It requires no maintenance other than dusting or cleaning with a soft cloth.

Out of the Woods Bowls & More

Meet the Maker

My father was a journeyman carpenter. When I was young, it always fascinated me how he could build a structure from what looked to me as just some markings on paper or "blueprints". At the age of 13 I built my fist actual piece. It was a fly tying kit. I had taken classes to learn how to tie fly's as our family was into fly fishing. The kit was basically a small suitcase with a drop down table and a bunch of compartments for the different types of materials needed. 46 years later, I still have that kit. That's what got me hooked into making things with my hands.

         After being in the furniture moving business for 10 years, I decided to start making furniture as a hobby. I made furniture that made sense to a mover. Instead or a 1 piece armoire, I made it 2 pieces. Of course, there was a learning curve because I was teaching myself and basically learning from my failures.

         Over the years I have built many pieces of furniture for friends, family and others that have sought me out. I decided to try out woodturning and found what I truly wanted to do, I got the "TURNING BUG"

I found woodturning to be very relaxing after a full day at my regular job. I love putting a piece on the lathe and seeing the true beauty of the wood emerge. I work with local woods as well as a lot of exotic woods.

I am continually learning the art of woodturning every time I pick a new piece to put on my lathe. Then again, do we ever stop learning? Enough of my rambling. At this time, I'm not taking on any commission work due to working full time. Maybe after I retire! So now its just me & my wife and our 2 dogs "Simon & Roxie" Thanks for looking 

"Keep turning"

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