Face Shield Mineral Sunscreen - Pina Colada Scented - Zinc Oxide Sunscreen

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About this Product

✨ Made from non-nano zinc oxide and red raspberry seed oil, this mineral sunscreen was specifically designed not to clog pores; yet with 40+ SPF, is the ultimate sun shield for your face.

*Caution: Cocoa powder has been added to even out the pasty white color of the zinc oxide. As a result the sunscreen might leave you looking a little more tan for a couple hours. Don’t worry though, it washes off right away!

✨Most ideal for both sensitive skin & people who love the sun but don’t love the burn

✨Intensively moisturizing, yet doesn’t clog your pores

✨Water resistant with a little bit of beeswax

✨Unlike chemical sunscreens which soak into your skin, mineral sunscreens sit on top of your skin, and reflect the sun rays back off again, without having to absorb any toxic chemicals.

✨ Comes in a 2 oz. plastic container ✨ These statements have not been confirmed or evaluated by any type of medical persons beyond my own research. Please use your own discretion.

Bee Real Skin Care

Great Falls, MT

Meet the Maker
