Thoughtfully-Crafted Products for the League Player by a League Player
Weaverville, California
I've been a Pool League player for the past 10 years--APA, BCA, and more. In that time I've owned and used dozens of products related to the league, tournament or travelling pool player. To me this means compact, portable, adaptable, durable, and feature-packed. MagnaRest started with the Team Captain, a dream to create a better pool cue rest for my teammates and myself, and it grew from there to become a range of products that, I think, do a better than average job of solving problems unique to league players. This includes a means to store, transport, and protect template racks with the 9-Ball Template Rack Carrier--something that nothing else on the market even attempts to do.Although I started in wood, and plan to get back to that for even higher quality products, I settled on 3D printing as the best means to prototype my inventions, and in so doing I made a commitment to playing to that technology's strengths, particularly its ability to produce parts that are impractical or even impossible for other processes. One example of this is my Scoring Bead Set, which completely reimagines how the user interacts with the beads to give a more pleasant experience. Another example is how the Scoring Bead Set's metal hardware is captured inside the plastic parts, meaning that the user never has to worry about fiddly assembly or lost pieces.Along the way I decided for my own purposes to improve on age-old pool products. My Blunt Trauma Pool Triangle is one example. Whereas the standard pool triangle is a flimsy plastic or wood affair that flexes far too much to provide a tight rack, mine is optimized for rigidity in just the right spots. (The name comes from my firm belief that all decent pool triangles should by sturdy and bulky enough to inflict blunt trauma. But please don't!) As with all my products, I didn't stop with the core concept but instead added thoughtful features. In the case of the Triangle, these make accurately aligning the rack square to the rails of a pool table more intuitive.Please explore my offerings. I hope that you find something you like!