Moon Lit Rose Crafts

Small things to make people happy!
Cedar Park, Texas
Getting first round of product Posted! Crochet stuff first! And some small painted work from Lihirielle! And then some of my metal cast pendants!And Lihirielle thinks she needs to worry about her not having enough product to meet the generic consignment agreement we used for me to post her stuff up next to mine and this tells me how bad of a fever she had while she was producing all of this stuff for that last show she had to cancel. I will be posting up more between here and Esty the whole of summer and not hit the end of her back stock, so bear with me and my less than stellar photos and photo editing.I also have managed to enable the spell checker. yaaaaaaay. (cries in child of technical writer who realized there were really dumb misspellings up for multiple days)
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