Lighted Translucent Porcelain Ceramic Holiday Tree with Bird Ornaments, Ceramic Presents & hand-crafted Wooden Base


About this Product

This is a handmade, slip cast, hand-painted, translucent porcelain reproduction of a collectible vintage Christmas tree.  It is decorated with bird lights. Charlene painted it. It’s beautiful! All the ornaments are colorful little birds and ceramic presents circle the base of the tree.

The porcelain allows the light to shine through the clay and glaze. It is a wonderful, warm and decorative piece.

It comes with all the lights and the star on top plus the ceramic presents, as well as the internal light and cord. It is for indoor use only. It is approximately 10-1/2-inches tall when on the base with the star on top. It is 5-1/2-inches wide.

My brother (whose shop is made the wooden base. He makes custom bases for lighted ceramic objects like ceramic Christmas trees. It is made of recycled wood and consummately crafted. The bottom of the base is covered with felt to assure it doesn't scratch surfaces. The wooden base adds a distinct touch of elegance to this pretty and traditional tree.

It may remind you of a tree you had as a kid or one your parents or grandparents had. Very festive. Very retro-inspired!


Los Angeles, CA
RetroRamics2 is functional and beautiful, handmade ceramic home-decor and houseware designs inspired by mid-century modern art but also the broader…
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Meet the Maker

I am a third generation artist--my grandfather, mother, aunts, brother and my daughter are all artists. I taught art for several years. Now I am a full-time maker. I earned an MFA degree with a major in ceramics. I also have a mother/daughter shop (the original RetroRamics) on Etsy.
